7 Things Resilient Staff do Differently

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from, as well as grow and thrive during challenge, change and adversity.

However, in the workplace, it means more than just that. At work it can mean the difference between failing or succeeding at your job.

Here are seven key things resilient employees do differently:

1.      Manage stress and avoid burnout.

Burnout is a slow erosion and progressive loss of energy and enthusiasm. A critical part of resilience is self-care and recovery, taking the time to re-fill your tank. We all go through difficult times and it’s important to know how to manage your stress when they occur. There are many ways to do this, including eating right, exercising or taking a mental health day from work.

2.      Show up as their authentic selves.

The earlier we learn to be our authentic selves, the less course correction we have to do along the way. Being your authentic self means being vulnerable. But while being vulnerable can feel like weakness, it looks like courage to everyone else. Being true to who you are is a great foundation on which to build resilience.

3.      Nurture their sense of control.

Resilient people believe that the actions they take will affect the outcome of an event. Of course, some factors are outside of our personal control. However, it is important to feel as if we have the power to make choices that can change our situation.

4.      Are grateful.

It is easy to get sidetracked on what we don’t have or how far away we are from our goals. However, the resilient take time each day to count their blessings. It is this type of thinking that keeps them inspired, successful and moving forward in life.

5.      Are mentally tough and more flexible.

Our ability to effectively survive and thrive comes from our flexibility to ride out difficult situations. When dealing with crisis resilient people see themselves as survivors, instead of victims of circumstance. This means that rather than throwing their hands up and giving in, they look for ways to resolve their problems.

6.      Manage change and setbacks.

Those who practice resilience can better anticipate and manage change, and deal with setbacks. Managing change and setbacks doesn’t necessarily come from bull dozing your way through challenges. Rather it comes from having the foresight, resilience and adaptability to cope with the realities of life.

7.      Strong social connections.

Strong social connections are critical to resilience. Whenever you’re dealing with a problem, it is important to have people who can offer support. Talking about your challenges can be an excellent way to gain perspective, look for new solutions, or simply express your emotions. Friends, family members, co-workers, and online support groups can all be potential sources of social connectivity.


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There are many stressors in this modern world that can lead to low levels of resilience. If you don’t learn how to cope with your stressors, this can impact your wellbeing and focus at work. Resilance and tress Management 1 day course will provide you with practical tools and techniques to help you identify your stressors and build your resilience. This course is available in-class training aswell as in live online format.