Why You Need Transparency In Project Management

Project transparency is simply open, honest and direct communication between all involved in a project.

We know that projects need to achieve strong results and within a set timeframe. But did you know that the best way to make sure a project succeeds is through transparency? Project managers that fail to include transparency in their plan of action might find their deadlines get pushed out and they end up with mediocre results.

What is project management?

Project management is best described as the organisation of a company’s resources to achieve the goals of a project. It doesn’t matter what industry or business a project manager is in; they do the same thing. They must establish the goals of the project, assign tasks to team members and set all deadlines. At the end of the day, good project management is key to helping predict and mitigate the risks of a project, keep costs down and deliver quality results.

Why should project managers prioritise transparency?

Team members can’t respond to the demands of a project if they are not provided with up-to-date data. Transparency allows all team members to see every part of a project that might affect them. This then informs how they go about their own tasks. Not only that, but project managers that embrace transparency meet and surpass their goals more often.

Here are our top three reasons project managers need to prioritise transparency:

1.     Better performance and accountability

When a team does not work well together, projects become difficult. Transparency allows team members to perform better and be more accountable for their part in the project. It also ensures everyone knows what’s expected of each other and how they can support one another. Transparency makes it clear to each team member what needs to be accomplished and by when.

2.     The project stays on track

When a project runs into a delay, it is at risk of falling off the rails and missing its delivery date. It takes just one task to stall for the entire project to be at risk. Transparency allows all concerned to easily locate and report issues that might affect the progress of the project. Then everyone can adjust their priorities and make more informed decisions. As such, transparency makes sure that all involved remain flexible and able to deliver strong results.

3.     Enhanced teamwork

Transparency ensures that everyone in the team knows what each team member’s role is in the project. They can also see the relationships between each task. This enhances the communication, commitment, and accountability of the team. Everyone can see the bigger picture and they understand what impact their work has on everyone else. They can also see that their input matters, which inspires them to work towards the success of the team.


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